Ben Garza
My paintings are the reinterpretation of daily existence. Both the known and the unknown, expectation and realization.
My works are formed from years of study and dedication; however once entering a painting, I begin an improv of color, subject, and design. I begin a dialogue of reactions until the conversation comes to a conclusion.
In my works one will find the reoccurring theme of the “arch”. To me this is the passage of life that we all take day-to-day.
Secondly, one will see black lines in linear succession. These are the markings of ones lifeline, however on the canvas black lines provide sound and silence representing days of consciousness and nights of rest.
I believe life is cyclical, which is represented in my paintings with dots. These are the jumping off points, stepping stones of life. Where one can reflect on past occurrences that have led one to today’s version of themselves.
Lastly, as the final layer, one will be excited by energetic mark making. These marks represent the direction one must take in order to navigate the day.
I believe life is worth celebrating and this is the best time to be alive. Give into the daily gift and all obstacles will dissolve.